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School Supplies Sales 2019

This year save lots by shopping all school supplies such as textbooks, school uniforms, backpacks, football equipment and much more from Europe and USA and EshopWedrop will deliver your parcels to Cyprus with delivery starting from just €3.99!

This means that you can now shop from high-quality brands from Europe and USA, like Smiggle, Next, Amazon, The Works, Zalando, Limango, C&A and Gap, without spending a fortune on delivery costs!

How does EshopWedrop work?

  • Join EshopWedrop – Create your very own EshopWedrop Account today for FREE
  • Shop Worldwide – Shop from any online store in America & Europe, no matter if they deliver to Cyprus!
  • Parcel Delivery - EshopWedrop will deliver your parcels to Cyprus with delivery costs starting from just €3.99!

Shopping TIP! In the UK all kids related products like kids clothing, shoes, books and much more, qualify for 0% VAT!! No matter if you live in the UK or not, as long as you shop with EshopWedrop you have access to the 0% VAT too!

EXCLUSIVE OFFER – First time using EshopWedrop? For a limited time only, we are offering to give you your first EshopWedrop delivery from Europe or America to Cyprus for FREE* (T&C’s Apply).

Happy Shopping,
EshopWedrop Team

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